$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE MS Windows Release 12.0 spssio32.dll Y@14 Feb 0522:14:39 QQQNAME Title of Book QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ PUBLISH Publisher   GENRE Type of book  PAGES Number of pages   BEST Weeks in best seller list  ?Art @Fantasy@Cooking@Fiction@Sci-fi    ( INAME=Name PUBLISH=Publish GENRE=Genre PAGES=Pages BEST=Best =Getting there and Back ilAsdf c@Out of Ideas For Books? gmQwert A Piece of War eeQwert `~@Uncle Earnie's Appartment gofQwert Out of Ideas For Questions? gnTyui p@Ronzillia! gfQwert d@Out of Ideas For Trips? enAsdf h@Ideas For Questions fmAsdf p@Ideas For Books hofTyui o@The Great book of VBA Programming ggAsdf Out of Ideas For Recipes? fiTyui Ideas For Trips eqfQwert q@The Art of Writing Politically Correct Exams fkTyui Me and Myself ekAsdf An Illustrated History of The Neolithic age eiAsdf So You Wanna be a Mensch? Speak Yiddish i{iTyui Out of Ideas? fpeQwert ~@Ideas For Recipes hkAsdf `o@Sessame Street - The Unpublished ScriptsehAsdf The Day they Stole Wedenesday hkQwert Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Spotted Ducks - But Wfkere Afraid to Ask Asdf Ideas hdAsdf k@100 Classic Burmese Recipies fhQwert q@